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On Being Popular

alec vanderboom

Here's something I thought about this Christmas.

There will never, ever be a long wait to see Jesus at the stable in Bethlehem.  

All you have to do is show up, and you're automatically at the front of the line.

When I was driving to the PICU to visit sick Emma, I worried that I'd be in the way. "Oh her room probably has a visitor limit of 2 people. I'm sure it will be crowded with aunts and grandparents. What if we're a bother and get in the way?"

Guess what? We were not an inconvenience!

There are all kinds of Catholic events that I can not afford to attend as a poor Carmelite. I didn't go to the $100 a plate Catholic Charity dinner in a cool historic home in Martinsburg. I skip the Knights of Columbus spaghetti dinners and the Catholic Daughter's pecan pancake fundraisers.

Yet there will never be a lack of things to do for Christ, or friendships to make, or people to go visit.  Poor shepherd girls get around town--far more than rich Society Girls. I'm glad I'm a shepherd girl.