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Career Day 2007

alec vanderboom

Hannah: I'm going to be a bug scientist when I grow up! Or a postman!

Mom: Postman, that's a new one. You can make kids' days by delivering packages from their grandma.

Hannah: I'm not going to be a package man, Mom. Just a letter man!

Mom: Oh, letters from grandma are also fun.

Alex: I'm not going to be a postman. I'm not going to be a letter man. I'm going to be Spiderman!

Hannah: Alex, that means you have to be bitten by a radioactive spider.

Alex: Yeah! Spiderman has radioactive blood. I need radioactive spiders now. Mom. Mom, did you hear me? My blood needs radioactive spiders-to bite me.

Mom: I'll get right on that, son.